Your Final Writing Class


In Brooklyn & Online

With literally just Tony Tulathimutte

As seen in The Guardian and Air Mail


We offer workshops, feedback, mentoring, and lectures on:

  • Close reading

  • Revision

  • Research

  • “Writers' block”

  • Plot

  • Perspective

  • Character

  • Dialogue

  • Form

  • Description

  • Style

  • Publishing

  • Freelancing

  • Querying agents

  • Working with editors

  • Publicity

  • Making money


With a focus on longterm success and community, we throw bookswap parties and maintain a chat channel for alums. We’ve helped students sign with agents, land book deals (25 and counting), get jobs, and win awards. Here's what past students say, and here are the complete rules.



Guest Talks

Each session features three guests:

Mar 2025 - Online
(3/5 - 4/26)

Melissa Broder

Ingrid Rojas Contreras

Rachel Kushner

May 2025 - In Person
(5/21 - 7/26)

Nicole White

Kaveh Akbar
(via satellite)

Rax King

(full list here):

Alexandra Kleeman
Andrea Long Chu
Beth Morgan
Brandon Taylor
C Pam Zhang
Carmen Maria Machado
Catherine Lacey
Charlotte Shane
Doreen St. Felix
Emily Gould
Emily Witt
Emma Cline
Fatima Mirza 
Garth Greenwell
Hua Hsu


Jackie Ess
Jamie Hood
Jenny Zhang
Jia Tolentino
Jonathan Franzen
Kaitlyn Greenidge
Lauren Groff
Mary HK Choi
Mitchell S. Jackson
Raven Leilani
Rayne Fisher-Quann
RO Kwon
Sloane Crosley
Vauhini Vara
Zaina Arafat

Financial aid

The current fee is $900; financial aid is available based on need and available funds.


We meet twice a week, a workshop and a seminar. You’ll do lots of reading. Each manuscript gets 750+ words of feedback and line edits from each other participant. Sample feedback letters here.

Form a group

Why pay for a workshop if you've already learned the basics? We heavily encourage making your own connections in the class; you’ll have access to an alumni listserv, Slack channel, events, and the occasional master class. Many classes have gone on to form writing groups. Hopefully this’ll be the last class you pay for.


Workshops are only as good as their students. Each session consists of nine talented writers. No credentials or recs required, just a writing sample. (Only one instructor, so we have to be picky 😅)

career Prep

When the class is over, we meet one-on-one to plan your writing projects and career. You get access to templates for cover letters, queries, pitches, submission trackers, professional rate calculators, invoices, and a spreadsheet of publications, residencies, agencies, MFAs, and other resources. We also help you query agents when ready.


We periodically host the CRIT Bookswap, a party for students from all sessions to mingle, and every now and then special one-off master classes on subjects like journalism, screenwriting, and playwriting.


The curriculum skews heavily toward fiction, but we also welcome creative nonfiction writers as well.

apply here

or use the contact form if you have questions

why the fuck not !